Team 04-09
Food Tinder
Mihir Chhiber - 1004359
Ong Li Wen - 1004663
Joshua Dean Samjaya - 1004423S
Pang Bang Yong - 1004486
Gargi Pandkar - 1004680
An interactive app which allows a group of friends to simplify the process of deciding where to eat for outings. The app allows users to create a group with their friends and initiate an upcoming dining event.
The event creator needs to specify the location and budget of the event and assign it to a group. Google Places API is used to obtain details of restaurant’s satisfying the user’s criteria. Firebase Realtime Database then stores this information alongside other event and group details. Next, all the users in the group are notified to complete voting for the restaurants. During this phase, each user either likes or dislikes the restaurant options presented to them by swiping right or left.
Once all the users have finished swiping or the deadline for selection has passed, the app finds a match based on the votes and notifies them about the restaurant for their event. The app reduces the time and effort it takes to search the net for restaurants and ponder over too many options. By making it fun and as easy as a swipe, Food Tinder helps groups collectively decide where to eat next.