50.001 Team 4-5


Team Members

Wang Han 1004520

He Haolan 1004530

Pan Feng 1003689

Xu Song 1004521

Selvam Shwetha 1004637


Our application focuses on the well-being of SUTD-ents by monitoring their meal intake on a daily basis. Firstly it has information(Energy, Protein, Fat and Cholesterol) of each dish being sold in all stalls in the canteen. As a result, students can easily select the meals that they had consumed in that day and keep a record of it. Moreover, a suggested level of intake is available for viewing. To combat non-adherence to the limit, the app has functions where users can check out the number of hours they can exercise(app has recommendations based on swimming, jogging, rope-skipping, etc.) to burn off unwanted calories. Last but not least, we also have a reward system where users can unlock different profile pictures or earn a medal for meeting certain requirements.
