50.002 Team 14-2

The 24 Game


Background: It is a single player game where the player can view a display that shows 4 numbers, and they have to think of a way to use +, -, x to produce 24.

Winning Condition: When the player manages to produce 24, he gains a point. His aim is to produce the maximum number of points within the 60 seconds time limit.


  1. There will be 1 player, and 9 buttons, representing the 4 numbers, the 3 operations, plus(+), minus(-) and times(x), 1 confirm button and 1 reset button.

  2. The 4 numbers will be displayed on a 4 seven-segment display, and each number will correspond to a button. The player will choose the inputs of numbers and operations to try and find a way to permute the numbers to give the value of 24.

  3. Press the confirm button to enter the input for checking

  4. The player can view the output on 2 LEDs (1 Green and 1 Red) - representing correct and wrong

  5. A point is added when the player manage to produce 24

  6. When the timer reaches 0, the game ends.
