50.002 Team 2-5

Red vs Blue (A simple game of tic-tac-toe to play with your friends!)

Team Members

Yuri Kim 1002334

Edric Tjandra 1004306

He Haolan 1004530

Phan Vu Lan 1004499


Our project is basically tic-tac-toe, built using LEDs, buttons and multiple breadboards. This game is simple and timeless, thus it is suitable for people of all ages. Our project is setup in a player versus player (PvP) manner. The two players are differentiated by their LED colours will have their own set of buttons to designate which block they would like to occupy. To win, players must have 3 consecutive LEDs lit up. Following the classic rules of tic-tac-toe, there are 8 winning conditions: 3 for horizontal, 3 for vertical and 2 for diagonal scenarios. If none of these conditions are met, then the game ends in a draw.
