50.002 Team 1-2
Number War
This project utilises the FPGA to create a mathematics-themed number game, playable by people of all ages. For the game, 2 players compete against each other to obtain the most points. Choosing an input number from 0 to 9 that is available once per game via buttons. Points are awarded to the winner with the larger number, as follows :
[ (HigherNumber - LowerNumber)*LowerNumber ]
The game uses LEDs to signal whether a player’s number has been used, and a 2-digit 7-Segment Display to show each player’s current points.. There is a Reset button in the centre to reset the game, and a Confirm button to confirm both player’s inputs and start that round’s calculation.
There are 2 difficulty settings, Easy/Hard, with easy mode allowing both players to see what numbers are still available to both, while in hard mode, players only see their own remaining numbers, such that players need to memorise what numbers their opponents have already used.
This allows for strategic thinking and memory work and outplaying, and perhaps a metagame can form around this game, coming up with a most optimal form of playing, and coming up with gameplans to counteract this optimal strategy.