50.002 Team 14-5

Fast Fingers- A Matching Game

Team Members

Leon Tjandra 1004353

Selvam Shwetha 1004637

Wong Kai-En Matthew Ryan 1003809

Xu Song 1004521


We have built an arcadeesque game whereby two players will compete against each other to correctly match a pattern shown to them. The player who scores the greater number of points at the end of 5 rounds will be declared as the winner. The game’s architecture comprises of a central LED screen of 9 bulbs where a pattern will be displayed and the players have to emulate the shape using buttons and cursor LEDS onto their set of main LEDS. The game’s structure is such that every time a pattern is matched by the quicker participant the round would end and that participant will be awarded with a point accompanied by a single flash from their respective green LED. At the end of 5 rounds the player who accumulated more points will have their green LED flashed continuously.
